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Our approach to teaching and learning will reflect the approach of other highly successful schools in the King’s Group, engaging students through effective teaching, nurturing their individual talents, and paying close attention to their physical, emotional and social development. We aim to tailor the education we provide in order to meet the needs of individual students and provide extra support and assistance where necessary. Every student will have an Individual Learning Plan which will track, monitor and set targets for all aspects of a students life in school.

Our highest priority is for each student to make outstanding progress throughout their time with us. We appreciate we are preparing students to work in a global context. We recognise the need for students to study another language. All students will have the opportunity to learn Spanish. This language development will be supported by working with schools in the King’s Group in Spain and Panama, video conferencing, exchange and residential visits, as well as working with Spanish speaking staff.

We will provide a good range of opportunities for our students in sports, music and visual arts. We may need to operate a longer school day than usual, and we will offer before-school and after-school clubs if there is sufficient demand.


Free Schools are funded by the Government. KGA schools will follow the local authority Admissions Policies and procedures wherever possible.