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Trust-wide Policies

The following policies have been approved by the KGA Board of Trustees for adoption by all KGA academies.

Other policies are school specific and published on the individual academies' websites.

  1. Acceptance of Gifts and Hospitality Policy pdf
  2. Accessibility Statement pdf
  3. Adoption Leave Policy Dec22 pdf
  4. Annual Leave for Colleagues on Support Contracts June 23 pdf
  5. Anti-Harassment and Bullying Policy pdf
  6. Appraisal Policy for Support Staff Dec22 pdf
  7. Appraisal Policy for Teaching Staff Dec23 pdf
  8. Best Value Statement November 2022 pdf
  9. Breastfeeding Policy March23 pdf
  10. Capability Policy Dec23 pdf
  11. Code of Conduct Dec23.docx pdf
  12. Concerns and Complaints Policy Dec23 pdf
  13. Data Breach Policy Dec23 pdf
  14. Data Protection Policy (including SAR Appendix) Dec23 pdf
  15. Data Retention Policy Dec23 pdf
  16. DBS Policy June21 pdf
  17. Disciplinary Policy Dec23 pdf
  18. Due Diligence Policy Dec19 pdf
  19. Early Careers Teacher Policy February 2024 pdf
  20. Equality Information and Objectives Policy Dec22 pdf
  21. Finance Policy June 2023 pdf
  22. Flexible Working Policy Dec22 pdf
  23. Fraud Policy November 2022 pdf
  24. Freedom of Information Policy and Publication Scheme November 2022 pdf
  25. Grievance Policy Dec22 pdf
  26. Health & Safety Policy Dec23 pdf
  27. Information Security Policy Dec23 pdf
  28. International Dimension Policy February 2024 pdf
  29. Learning and Development Policy - Dec23 pdf
  30. Leave of absence policy June23 pdf
  31. Local Government Pensions Discretionary Policy November 2022 pdf
  32. Managing Absence Policy June23 pdf
  33. Maternity and Paternity Leave February 2024 pdf
  34. Parental Conduct Policy Dec23 docx
  35. Parental Leave Policy Dec22 pdf
  36. Paying for Eyecare Policy March20 pdf
  37. Preventing Radicalisation Policy Dec22 pdf
  38. Privacy Notice for Alumni - July 2024 pdf
  39. Privacy Notice for Employees Dec23 pdf
  40. Privacy Notice for Governors Tustees and other Volunteers - July 2024 pdf
  41. Privacy notice for parents and carers – use of your child’s personal data - July 2024 pdf
  42. Privacy notice for suppliers of goods and services - July 2024 pdf
  43. Privacy Notice parents - July 2024 pdf
  44. Privacy Notice visitors - July 2024 pdf
  45. Privacy Notices Pupils and Students - July 2024 pdf
  46. Privacy Notices Statement Dec23 pdf
  47. Protection of Biometric Information of Children Policy Dec23 pdf
  48. Redundancy Policy Dec22 pdf
  49. Related Party Transactions Sep18 pdf
  50. Safer Recruitment Dec23 pdf
  51. Shared Parental Leave (Adoption) Policy - Dec 22 pdf
  52. Shared Parental Leave (Birth) Policy - Dec 22 pdf
  53. Teacher Pay Policy Dec23 pdf
  54. Tender Policy November 2022 pdf
  55. Virtual Meeting Policy Dec23 docx
  56. Whistleblowing Policy Dec22 pdf